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  1. Remove extra nut from threaded end of whirligig.             

  2. Pinch the crankshaft, between thumb and forefinger, where it joins the wire.

  3. Screw the propeller flat side onto the threaded shaft in a clockwise direction until it is snug against 1st nut.

  4. Twist second nut back on threaded end of whirligig (using pliers if necessary)

IMPORTANT: The propeller fan-shaft hole will appear to be too small, but if assembly instructions are followed correctly, it will provide the necessary precise, snug fit.

YARD MOUNTING: Select a post or pole desired, for mounting. Posts that are 1 ½“to 2” in diameter are best. Pre-drill the post of pole to prevent splitting. (3/16” drill bit) Set the supplied 20d mounting nail in the center of the post being careful that the nail and post are exactly vertical to prevent the unit from dropping excessively in any direction. When mounted correctly on the vertical nail, the Whirligig will swivel (weathervane) freely into the breeze.



Deck Mount Assembly:


Tools needed:


#2 Phillips screw driver

Step 1: Putting the nail into the dowel

Your hardware pack contains one 3” screw, four 1 5/8” screws and one mounting nail. Start by locating the 8” dowel. Notice there is a predrilled hole in each end of the dowel. The nail should be carefully pounded into the smooth finished end of the dowel. The other end will mount to the base. Make sure you pound the nail in straight leaving at least 2” exposed, (IMPORTANT: if not left with enough exposure the whirligig will not pivot correctly).

Step 2: Attaching the dowel to the base

Locate the 3” screw, from the underside of the mount start the screw up through the center hole until it goes through the other side about ¼”. Line the hole from the 8” dowel up with the protruding screw, turn on to the screw in a clockwise direction until it is flush with the base. Continue tightening until the 3” screw is flush with the bottom of the base.

Step 3: Fastening mount to deck rail

Using the four predrilled holes and the four 1 5/8 screws mount to a flat deck rail or other flat surface in an area with a good wind current.

Step 4: Mounting your whirligig

Insert the brass tube on the bottom of your whirligig on the protruding nail.


Surface Mount Instructions


Tools needed:

          #2 Philips screw driver


Step 1: Putting the nail into the dowl

          In your hardware pack you should find there 3” screws, one mounting nail. Start by locating the 8” dowel. You will notice that there is a predrilled hole in each end of the dowl. The nail should be carefully pounded in the smooth finished end of the dowel. You will notice one end looks rough; this end will mount to the base. Make sure you pound the nail in straight leaving at least 2” exposed. This part is really important because if you pound the nail down too far the whirligig will not pivot properly.


Step 2: Attaching the dowel to the base

          Locate the 3” screw from the hardware pack. From the underside of the mount start the screw up through the center hole until it comes through the other side about a ¼”. Take the dowel and line up the predrilled hole on the opposite end of the nail and line it up with the screw and begin to screw the dowl in a clockwise direction until it is flush with the base. Now proceed to tighten the 3” screw until it is snug.


Step 3:  Fastening the mount

          From your hardware pack find the other two 3” screws you will notice the predrilled holes in the base. Find a spot where there is a good wind current on a flat vertical surface of your choice and simply put a screw in each hole and tighten until they are snug.


Step 4: Mounting your whirligig

          Now that your mount is securely in place simply line up the brass tube on the bottom of your whirligig with the nail on the mount and slide it down until it stops.


Garden Post Assembly:


Tools needed:

Adjustable wrench


Unit is already assembled. It will go in either end of the post.

Insert rubber bushing in end of post until it stops at large washer. Hold screw in a vertical upright position, by the threads. Tighten nut on top of washer until snug. Screw must be straight up and down or whirligig will not spin correctly.





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